The three faces of epistemic racism in higher education

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This article presents one of the central findings of the doctoral research: “Educational experiences of Afro-descendant black women: An intersectional study”, in which the epistemic racism evidenced in the educational experiences of six Afro-descendant black women with doctoral studies in Colombia is retaken. This racism is especially revealed in higher education spaces, through three forms: eurocentric thinking, which gives priority to european knowledge and distorts the epistemes produced from other non-westernized worldviews; invisibility in the curriculum, manifests itself when in the different spaces of formal education the epistemic elaborations different to the eurocentric parameters are not shown or unknown; academic marginalization is identified through the undervaluation of content, the undervaluation of racialized groups and the underrepresentation of afro-descendant black men and women in academic production spaces. As closing ideas, some of the restrictions that afro-descendant black women experience as a product of this epistemic racism are presented.

Article Details

Lubi Jehins Granada Angulo

Author Biography

Lubi Jehins Granada Angulo, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Granada Angulo, L. J. (2021). The three faces of epistemic racism in higher education. Revista INTEREDU11, 1(4), 129-160.